These were culled from IRC logs at on #wgt634u . The comments may not be correct. If so, please fix them. This page was put together to help with build problems related to dirty source trees.
- make package/base-files-clean target/linux-clean target/lzma-clean target/utils-clean
- good general cleaning and doesn't rebuild toolchain
- clobbers certain changes you may have made to files in 'root' - (i.e. is it incompatible with WGT634U_USB_root building?)
- make clean
- duh, calls 'make dirclean'
- make toolchain/uClibc-clean
- make package/base-files-clean
- always run before rebuild?
- DANGER - remove package and unpacks the source archive again
- aka: make package/package_name-clean (ie: make package/jpeg-clean)
- make package/package name-rebuild
- recompile the package after you make changes
- if this still does a make clean (ie: deletes everything, including your changes) add this to your package/whatever/Makefile:
rm $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built
- I can't seem to get the above to look right, so just remember to indent the rm with a tab.
- make package/clean
- cleans all packages, not always required
- for specific packages, e.g. courtesy of frop
- ...well, if there's a new version of madwifi (from svn)... 'make package/madwifi-clean'
- make target/install
- rebuilds install image (and kernel too?)
- make (any command) world
- runs that command, and recompile (same as "make (command); make" (i think))
- confirmed - yes, make takes multiple targets on the command line. Be careful when you type commands - if you miss a "-" and type make package/jpeg clean instead of make package/jpeg-clean it'll delete everything as it does the clean after a make package/jpeg. MUCH DIFFERENT!
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